Résultats de votre recherche

    11 Résultats
  • Philip Heath - General Manager, Underwriting and Portfolio - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Geography de University of Lancaster.
    Achmea Australia - Assurance - Australie
  • Simon Breakwell - Independent Director - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Lancaster and Undergraduate Degree from University of Portsmouth.
  • Paul Taylor - Senior Vice President and President and Chief Executive Officer, Fitch Group - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Management and Marketing de University of Lancaster.
    Hearst - Journaux - Etats—Unis
  • Ben Tucker - Head of Specialty Insurance - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Economics and French de University of Lancaster.
    Roanoke Insurance - Assurance - Etats—Unis
  • Kar Fai To - Director, Customer Franchise - has a Master of Arts in Marketing from University of Lancaster and Bachelor of Commerce from University of Birmingham.
    Hang Lung Group - Immobilier - Hong—Kong
  • Paul Taylor - President and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Management and Marketing de University of Lancaster.
  • Leda Condoyanni - Corporate Secretary - has a PhD in Finance from University of Lancaster and Master of Arts in Accounting and Finance from Lancaster University.
  • Simon Breakwell - Vice Chairman of the Board - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Lancaster and Undergraduate Degree from University of Portsmouth.
  • Giert Flock - Director, Organization Development - a reçu un Bachelor in Busines de University of Lancaster.
    Onninen Norway - Grossistes - Norvège
  • Jih Min Cheng - Senior Asset Director - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Lancaster and Bachelor of Science in Estate Management from National University of Singapore.
    Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust - Immobilier - Singapour
  • Patricia Bourne - Principal and Vice President of Finance and Operations - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts de University of Lancaster.
    Mandel Communications - Formation - Etats—Unis

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